So I have hurtled a few more challenges this week, with children who want their pictures done, but THEIR way, infants who dont find me amusing, nor the huge camera thats shoved in their face, and toddlers that cant sit still. HOWEVER, these were all wonderful life lessons and I still got some great photos and Im so glad that I have chosen this project because I really am learning a lot that I can bring with me to future shoots. Im so excited that this project is turning out the way it is! Each child has taught me something new as well as produced at least one picture that can go in this portfolio, if not more. Here's some more pictures of kids doing what they do! 

Lennon Gave me photos for the words Rust (motorcycle) and Metal (Spiral pole slide thing)! Hazel is just beautiful and I coudnt NOT photograph her!
I almost considered changing the word "silverware" to Silver WEAR because of this amazingly cute outfit Izzy had!
Izzy Gave me photos for the words Flowers and Texture (the one with the hat)!
And with that Im just about DONE! and can finally start constructing my frames!
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