So its the end of the semester, and thusly my last blog for school purposes, and I thought, maybe its time to introduce myself! I am about to (in 3 Weeeks!) graduate from Paier College of Art in Hamden Connecticut with my photography degree and am currently working hard at trying to make a name for myself. My passion for photography started at a young age, but never thought of it as a serious career until I went into Americorps NCCC and traveled across the country for a year doing disaster relief in the gulf. It was an amazing year of self growth for me, and I came to the realization that life is nothing if you are not doing something you love and are passionate about. As the photo journalist on the team I recognized my passion, and immediately following the program I started school, and loved every second of it. My goal in life is to be able to take my photography on the road and travel, but I realize there are steps one has to take to get to that point, and have since found my passion in documenting moments of peoples lives. People look their best when they are happy, and people are most happy when love is in the picture, these are the pieces of life I depict. So the obvious route for me to take is documenting people getting married, and having babies, and their babies as they grow up! It makes me happy to be a part of life in this special way! I try to take an approach that blurs the lines of commercial and fine art, bringing my passions together, and making for a more creative image. Connections between people fascinate me, including the relationships people have with themselves. Through this project I told each artist that it was important to me that their portrait really speak about them, more so than my words. I said something similar to the models in my I Just Want to Be a Woman" series, exploring femininity and what it meant to each model. I asked each woman, what makes you the woman you are, and many of them wanted me to show how they were "unconventionally" feminine, because they could fix their cars, use power tools, or box, others said, "Well, Im a mommy!". I was thrilled with the response I got from women and how into the idea everyone got! My photography has brought me through many stages, but the under lying tone is my discovery of individuality in the world. Just as there are so many unique individuals out there, there are thousands of ways to photograph it and I am thrilled to spend my life figuring out which works, on a case by case basis. Getting to know people has been the best perk of this job! I will never box myself into any ONE kind of photography because each class I have taken, each technique I have tried has taught me something new about myself, and Im sure it will continue to do so.
Please contact me at 203.859.1524 or email for any event, or portrait!
For more samples of my work Click HERE!